The darkest site of scholarly publishing

Posted: March 28th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: found on the net | Tags: , | Comments Off on The darkest site of scholarly publishing

crimescene_300Today I read an incredible story- published by Declan Butler in the very informative nature special issue on “the future of publishing.

Most of us know about the massive profit margins scholarly publishers earn every year. According to Björn Brembs the corporate scholarly publishing industry with roughly four billion US$ in profit every year, is a lucrative business. For example Reed Elsevier just published his “Annual Reports and Financial Statements” for 2012 – despite the Elsevier-Boycott in 2012 the company achieved revenues of £ 6.116 billion in 2012.

But as Butler reports in nature (“Sham journals scam authors“) also cybercriminals have understood that they can earn a lot of money with faking existing journals. But what has happened? Read the rest of this entry »