Posted: July 8th, 2013 | Author: Sven | Filed under: Data Policy, Data Sharing, Projects | Tags: academic publishing, access to data, Citation, Data Policies, Data Sharing | 1 Comment »
Today I want to introduce the PKP- Open Journal System / Dataverse Integration Project to our readers, an approach that is in some parts quite similar to our own approach in the field of economics.
Funded by a $1 million Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant, the OJS-DVN project intends to develop a plugin for journals that are using the Open Journal System (OJS), a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP), to expand and improve access to research. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: February 11th, 2013 | Author: Sven | Filed under: journals, Report | Tags: academic publishing, Citation, recommendations, supplements | Comments Off on NISO and NFAIS publish Recommended Practice on Online Supplemental Journal Article Materials
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) and the National Federation for Advanced Information Services (NFAIS) have published a new Recommended Practice on Online Supplemental Journal Article Materials (NISO RP-15-2013).
Supplemental materials are increasingly being added to journal articles, but until now there has been no recognized set of practices to guide in the selection, delivery, discovery, and preservation of these materials.
To address this gap, NISO and NFAIS jointly sponsored an initiative to establish best practices that would provide guidance to publishers and authors for management of supplemental materials and would address related problems for librarians, abstracting and indexing services, and repository administrators.
The Supplemental Materials project involved two teams working in tandem: one to address business practices and one to focus on technical issues. This new publication is the combined outcome of the two groups’ work.
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Posted: February 23rd, 2012 | Author: Sven | Filed under: fraud, journals | Tags: academic publishing, Citation, impact factor, ranking | Comments Off on Science Magazine: Coercive Citation in Academic Publishing
As many of you know, the impact factor is a major vehicle for measuring the quality of a scholarly journal. Despite there is a lot of criticism on impact factors, for researchers as well as for journals a high impact factor is as attractive as honey is for the bears.
One side effect of impact factors is that they’re creating incentives for editors to coerce authors to add citations to their journal – indicating that more citations are inflating the journal’s impact factor.
At the beginning of February, the science magazine published a remarkable article that deals with forced citations in scholarly journals.
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Posted: December 5th, 2011 | Author: Sven | Filed under: Projects | Tags: biosciences, Citation, demonstrator, DOI, interviews, journals | 1 Comment »

SageCite project, funded by JISC, is releasing interviews with the editors of two leading journals in the Biosciences. The two interviews explore a large range of issues concerning data, scholarly communications and publishers, the links between data and publications and interoperability between data repositories and publishers.
SageCite developed and tested a Citation Framework linking data, methods and publications; Citations of complex network models of disease and associated data have been embedded in leading publications, exploring issues around the citation of data including the compound nature of datasets, description standards and identifiers.
The project worked through a number of workpackages comprising:
* Review and evaluation of options and approaches for data citation
* Understanding the requirements for citing large-scale network models of disease and compound research obejcts
* Demonstration of a citation-enabled workflow using a linked data approach
* Benefits mapping using the “Keeping Research Data Safe 2” taxonomy
* Technical and policy implications of citation by leading publishers
* Dissemination across communities (bio-informatics and research and information communities)
The results of these workpackages are published here – the project now has concluded.
Posted: October 26th, 2011 | Author: Sven | Filed under: Projects | Tags: Citation, Datasets, Guide, Publications | Comments Off on Guide: How to Cite Datasets and Link to Publications
The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) has published another in its series of How- to Guides: ‘How to Cite Datasets and Link to Publications‘ by Alex Ball and Monica Duke of the DCC. It explains how researchers can create links between their publications and the underlying data, so that each can be found from the other.
It also provides advice for repository managers and data archivists wishing to make their data holdings easier to cite.
The guide is available here.